Mission: To educate the community about the rich cultural contributions the Mexicans in America, identified by Chicano, Latino or LatinX (we are all the same), have given to America, which are often unrecognized, as well as promote education, unity, pride and progress.

1. Mexican-American History Makers

A video library of life interviews creating a record of individuals who have achieved the highest degrees of success in their respective fields and have influenced the future of not only Mexican-Americans, but of our entire nation. To inspire many generations to come.

2. MACEF Film Scholarships

Directed by Moctesuma Esparza, starting in 2021 MACEF has partnered with two of the most prestigious Film Schools to provide a minimum of $40,000 in MACEF Filmmaker Scholarships, which they will triple for us. So, our Film Students will have a benefit of $120,000 in tuition support, every year for the next 3 years.

3. MACEF Filmmaker Grant

Three $10,000 Grants for Filmmakers who need funds to finish their short film, film, or TV pilot to put it on the market. Film school students working on their thesis film are encouraged to apply. Qualifying films will be assessed by the quality of the story (culturally positive and non-stereotypical) as well as production organization and viability of the project. Submissions accepted yearly from April 1st to June 15th.

4. The Mexican-American Film & Television Festival & Awards

A star-studded red carpet event is scheduled for May 15-16, 2022 at the Raleigh Studios in Hollywood. To celebrate and promote Mexican-American/Chicana/o films, TV, stars and filmmakers.

5. Filmmaker Mentorship Program

The lack of Mexican-American/Chicano filmmaker role models is a huge handicap to young filmmakers. For that reason, MACEF has established the Filmmaker Mentorship Program.